Surface Irrigation Online Survey

irrigation pump

Extensions in Utah, Arizona, Mississippi, Oklahoma, and California are participating in an NRCS Conservation Initiative funded by a grant that focuses on surface irrigation. 

The questions in this survey are only about surface (a.k.a. flood or gravity) irrigated croplands, including those under furrows, borders, or basins.  

Surface irrigated cropland is important in supplying food, feed, and fiber demands in the US, but has received less attention in recent years compared to sprinkler and drip irrigation methods.

Information from this survey will be used to guide researchers, extension specialists, and county agents and advisors at land-grant universities in designing and developing their future educational and outreach projects to better serve farmers on water management in flood irrigation systems.

This survey does NOT ask or record any private or personal identifier information.  NO individual response will be shared and responses will remain anonymous.  Summaries of all responses will be shared through extension events and outreach venues, such as university field days, workshops, social media, crop schools, and various other events.

The survey is 21 questions in length and will take an estimated 15 minutes to complete and can be discontinued at any time.

Link to Survey: