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By Jon Hamill, Technical Lead, Syngenta

Carrots benefit in most years from being under low pressure from disease and insects at planting. Low pressure, however, does not mean no pressure, and we need to protect our crop as though we expect pests early. When a crop is unprotected at planting, replanting is frequently the only remedy to early-season disease infection or insect infestation. Replanting costs money, time, and potential yield and quality. The surest way to avoid replanting is to plan to protect your seed and seedling at plant.
Start by properly preparing the field and till under weeds, green matter and crop residue. If you are applying manure to the field, make sure it is well in advance of planting so that any solids can sufficiently compost. Skipping these practices can attract adult seedcorn maggot flies to your fields.
For the 2022 growing season, seedcorn maggot and carrot maggot will again be a major concern in the field. Growers also should keep an eye out for insects such as carrot rust fly, leafhoppers and flea beetles, as well as diseases including Rhizoctonia, Fusarium and Pythium. Seed treatments, soil-applied insecticides and in-furrow fungicides can each play an important role in your early-season protection strategy.
Here are my top field history-based recommendations for the highly efficacious seed treatment products for carrot crops.
- FarMore F300 seed treatment – If you are focused on disease and saw few issues with insects last season, then I recommend FarMore F300. The combination of three fungicides protects against a broad spectrum of seed and seedling diseases to maximize your plant stand. It can also be combined with an in-furrow treatment of Ridomil Gold SL fungicide for cavity spot and Pythium protection.
- FarMore FI400 seed treatment – If you are seeing pests such as seedcorn maggot, carrot rust fly, leafhoppers and leaf beetles in your carrots, then I recommend FarMore FI400. This product provides a broad spectrum of early-season protection against disease and insects. The complementary fungicide active ingredients found in Dynasty, Maxim 4FS and Apron XL are matched with Cruiser 70 WS insecticide, a base insecticide in all Syngenta seed-applied brands. FarMore FI400 puts the power of a neonicotinoid in the lead-off position for your crop. This technology is optimized for seed care with high water solubility, fast plant uptake and excellent protection against soil pests.
Don’t wait to hop on your carrot crop protection strategy for the upcoming season. Work with your local extension agents, retailers and agronomic advisers to plan now for potential threats to your yield and quality.