Vive Celebrates 15 Years

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Vive Crop Protection is celebrating its 15th anniversary. During Vive’s 15 years, it has focused on helping farmers be more efficient using nanotechnology and other precision chemistry tools. 

Since its inception in 2006, Vive Crop Protection has:

  • Commercialized the first use of nanotechnology in crop protection – the Allosperse delivery system
  • Leveraged Allosperse technology as the basis for eight insecticide and fungicide products currently available in the U.S. market
  • Based on grower case studies, Vive products are estimated to have saved 34 million gallons of water, 189,000 gallons of fuel and 15,000 hours of farm labor by enabling applications with in-furrow liquid starter
  • Reached a milestone of one million crop acres treated with Vive-branded fertilizer-compatible products in 2020
  • Achieved a 97% satisfaction rating from growers who use Vive products
  • Collaborated with major biologicals providers to develop industry-leading chemistry and biological combination products
  • Named Life Sciences Ontario “Company of the Year” for 2021
  • Ranked #27 on the 2020 Globe and Mail’s “Canada’s Top Growing Companies” list

Vive CEO and Co-founder Darren Anderson says, “Our purpose is to create products that provide a real benefit to farmers. Since day one, our priority has been ensuring that our products provide performance first and sustainability second.”

More information is available at