Fox Packaging Launches Display-Ready Packaging Resource

Leading supplier of flexible packaging solutions, Fox Packaging is proud to announce the launch of its Display-Ready Packaging eBook. With this downloadable resource, produce brands and retailers will gain knowledge on reaching millennial shoppers, trends in flexible packaging, and the results that display-ready packaging can generate.

Despite the rise in online grocery shopping, there is an opportunity for fresh produce brands to create engaging and enticing experiences at the store front for consumers pinched for time, looking for convenient healthy choices. Fox Packaging is providing solutions to produce suppliers looking to remain relevant at retail and stay up to date on the latest food trends.

“With our knowledge from serving the fresh produce industry in the packaging space for nearly 50 years, we saw the need to share what we’ve learned from creating display-ready packaging,” said Aaron Fox, president of Fox Solutions. “We hope to nurture our existing customers and inspire new customers to think about their packaging as a differentiator and challenge them to think outside the box.”

Putting together a successful display-ready packaging program requires planning, collaboration, and attention to detail. To accommodate this process, Fox Packaging offers a check list for people to get started on implementing the best practices regarding display-ready packaging.

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