Carrots over cough medicine!

(NaturalNews) Carrots were first cultivated thousands of years ago in the region we now call Afghanistan. Cultivated by Dutch growers during the 16th and 17th centuries, the orange carrot we love today quickly saw an outstanding boost in popularity, often being referred to as one of the ultimate health foods. As it turns out, our long-lasting love for this orange veggie was not misplaced. In addition to a great number of health benefits, carrots offer us a natural solution for coughs and all kinds of respiratory issues.

Indeed, whether you’re suffering from asthma, a plain cough, bronchitis or the cold, a very simple carrot juice recipe can save your day just as effectively as any cough medicine. The advantage? You can stay away from the nasty side effects of medicine and give your body essential nutrients at the same time.

Carrots can help with coughing and more!

The nutritional profile of the carrot is quite impressive. A medium carrot or half a cup of chopped carrots contains 25 calories, 6 g of carbohydrates – 3 g of which are sugars – and 1 g of protein, combined with vitamin C, calcium, iron and beta-carotene, an antioxidant and precursor for vitamin A. Fiber, vitamin K, potassium, folate, manganese, magnesium and zinc are also found in carrots, while differently colored varieties contain antioxidants like anthocyanin (for purple) or lycopene (for red).

As a result, while it is true that carrots can make a great natural cure for the cough, the potential health benefits of this veggie go much further. By eating only one carrot, you can make sure that your body receives more than double its need of vitamin A, according to the USDA, which is essential for protecting eye health and vision. Carrots are also rich in antioxidants, which is why they have shown anti-cancer properties and promising results in blood sugar regulation, delaying the effects of aging and an overall improving immune function.

The carrot juice that beats cough medicine

Not yet convinced? Try replacing your cough medicine with this effective carrot juice. All you need to prepare it is half a kilogram of carrots, a few teaspoons of honey and some water. First, you’ll want to cut the carrots into slices and boil them until they become soft. Then, separate the carrots from the water and mash them using a blender or fork. Once the water is cool, add the honey to it and then pour it over the mashed carrots. The resulting syrup can be stored in the fridge or any cold place around the house.

There are no negative side effects to this healthy syrup, so feel free to use it as frequently as you like. To achieve the best effect against your cough, make sure that you take at least 3 to 4 teaspoons of syrup throughout the day. In only one or two days, the carrots will help you eliminate phlegm from your lungs, as well as alleviate your cough.

You can even grow your own carrots

The best carrot juice comes from the best organic carrots, so why not consider planting some of your own? As a root vegetable, carrots are very easy to grow in sandy soil, whether you decide to plan them in the outside garden or a pot inside the house. If you start with seeds and you make sure their soil is deeply tilled, you’ll be able to harvest mature carrots in no more than two and a half months.

Then, you can enjoy the impressive health benefits of carrots throughout the entire year. And, if you ever catch a cold or a nasty cough, you’ll always have the natural carrot syrup within reach.