Bayer Opens Vegetable Seed Distribution Center in Valdosta, Georgia

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Bayer Vegetable Seeds has announced the opening of a new distribution center in Valdosta, Ga. The center will help Bayer support fruit and vegetable growers in the Southeast United States by providing access to its Seminis branded large seed portfolio and quality customer service.

“Bayer is fortunate to work directly with our growers in the Southeast region,” said US & Canada Customer Operations and Distribution Manager, Logan Burkhart. “By opening a physical location in the area, we can better service and connect with those growers.”

Growers will continue to order seed through their sales representative, so the transition to the new distribution center should be seamless. Now they will also have the added assurance of knowing there is a local supply of seed available for select varieties.

“Growers continue to face rising pressures to produce more safe, quality produce, while also increasing their profitability,” said Burkhart. “They need a seed company they can trust to provide them with quality, strong performing varieties, when they need them. This distribution center showcases our commitment to doing just that. We are here, we are listening, and we are ready to respond to growers’ needs.”

The distribution center is currently offering large seed (sweet corn and beans) varieties.