AT&T Case Study Shows Huge Water Savings

The Soiltech moisture sensor is planted in the ground. The device then automatically shows up in the app, connects to an account, reads the soil type, calibrates, monitors moisture levels, and collects data.
The Soiltech moisture sensor is planted in the ground. The device then automatically shows up in the app, connects to an account, reads the soil type, calibrates, monitors moisture levels, and collects data.

In a press release, Soiltech Wireless Inc. announced that they collaborated with AT&T in a case study for their wireless moisture sensor.

Powered by existing cellular towers and proprietary software, the Soiltech wireless moisture sensor provides information that growers need to manage operations without difficult setup or extra equipment.

Data from the sensor can be viewed and tracked on the web or in the company’s mobile app.

The case study shows potential to save a whopping 500 million gallons of water and 250,000 gallons of gasoline across 10,000 acres of farmland.