Novozymes and Anuvia Plant Nutrients Join Forces To Bring Sustainable Bio-Based Nutrients to Commercial Agriculture

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New biosolutions will reduce the amount of synthetic fertilizer needed while maintaining or improving crop performance

Novozymes, and Anuvia Plant Nutrients, an innovative plant nutrient company, today announced that they have joined forces to develop a range of combined biotechnologies that will reduce the need for synthetic fertilizers in commercial agriculture.

The resulting products, which could be available as early as next year, mean farmers will require less synthetic fertilizer per acre, while achieving equivalent or better crop performance, and will reduce environmental impact through lower nutrient loss and greenhouse gas emissions. There will be no incremental cost to the grower, nor will they require changes to current farming practices.

Partnership Envisions Additional Advances in Nutrient Technology
Novozymes and Anuvia will continue to work together to innovate on future generations of bio-fertilizers:

  • The companies will work together to identify additional microbes and enzymes that could improve the nutritional efficiency of crops and are dedicated to innovations in the nutritional efficiency and health of crops.
  • As a first step, the partnership will combine Novozymes’ phosphate solubilizing microbial solutions with Anuvia’s sustainable bio-based fertilizer products to enhance macro-nutrient efficiency with a focus on phosphate.
  • The partnership envisions several generations of the new technology. The first generation is anticipated to add up to 10 units of phosphorous. Subsequent generations will target the replacement of additional units of macro and micronutrients, such as N, P and K.