President Biden Proclaims March 23 National Ag Day

US Capitol building flanked by the Library of Congress and the Supreme Court
US Capitol building flanked by the Library of Congress and the Supreme Court

President Joe Biden has proclaimed March 23, 2021 as National Ag Day. This year marks the fifth year that The White House has publicly recognized National Ag Day as a salute to the contributions of America’s farmers, ranchers and agribusinesses.

The proclamation highlights how American agriculture has stepped up over the past year to ensure a safe and abundant food supply. It also stresses during the build back there will be an ag sector that works for everyone and highlights that ag will play a critical role in combatting climate change. The entire proclamation can be viewed at

Greg Horstmeier, DTN/Progressive Farmer, chairman of the board for the Agriculture Council of America, the national organization charged with promoting National Ag Day, said receiving this type of recognition from the administration and USDA greatly enhances the stature of National Ag Day, as well as the many local and state Ag Day activities planned around the country. “More importantly, it reminds everyone that the affordable, abundant and nutritious food that they depend on every day comes to them thanks to the hard work and resilience of 2 million American farmers and ranchers.” 

National Ag Day is organized by the Agriculture Council of America (ACA). ACA is a nonprofit organization composed of leaders in the agricultural, food and fiber community, dedicating its efforts to increasing the public’s awareness of agriculture’s role in modern society. #AgDay21